Preview: Season 2, Episode 17

Part one of the exciting Season 2 Finale is coming soon! Here’s the preview!

A pair of mechanical red eyes light up, reflecting off of a chrome plated face. “The first prototype, Silver Sonic.” A red light flashes across a high-tech visor. “The failure of an experimental upgrade to Silver Sonic. The Drone Sonic.” A single cycloptic eye glows from the inside of a blue metal skull. “The deadly ruler built for intelligence. Mecha Sonic.” Two detailed red eyes light up in a sharp and intense gaze. “The silent replica of the robot from the future. Metal Sonic.” A yellow gridded pattern with no discernable pupils is the last to illuminate. “And the forgotten, untested behemoth. Robo Sonic.”

All at once, the Mecha Sonics point their weapons and claws threateningly towards the half-metal hedgehog—Cyber Sonic.

Sonic doesn’t flinch. “You can all stand down. I am not Sonic the Hedgehog. He is gone. I am your friend.”

One by one, they each obey.

“At least, that’s what you’ve all been programmed to understand. But as of this day, you are all free to make that decision for yourselves. However, I ask that you all let me remain your friend, because we all share something in common. We’ve all been used. But we are not the playthings of Eggman or of Sonic. We are free. I found you all, and repaired you, because I wanted you to be free as I am. But now, I ask for your help. There are those out there in the world who wish to take away our freedom. Alone, none of us could hope to stop them all. But together, it is us who will be unstoppable. So…can I count on your loyalty?”

The Sonic robots begin to look towards one another, analyzing those around them. After a moment, Silver Sonic bends his knees, lowering his head in deference to Cyber Sonic. Beside him, Drone Sonic does the same. Mecha Sonic follows, as does Robo Sonic. But Metal Sonic remains standing.

Cyber Sonic eyes him carefully. “What do you have to say?”

Slowly, Metal Sonic extends his hand forward.

Sonic can’t hide his smirk. “You’re smarter than the old Metal Sonic gave you credit for.” He takes Metal Sonic’s hand with his own matching one. “The rest of you should take notes from this one. You’re my friends, not my servants.”

The other robots stand silently.

“We’ll build a new future together. Somewhere we can decide our fates with our own hands. And those who would stand in our way…will be crushed beneath our feet. We are the Mecha Sonic Army. And we fight for freedom!” Sonic raises his metallic fist into the air.

The Mecha Sonics follow his motion one by one.

Above them all, E-123 Omega looks silently over the railing, watching as the Mechas cheer for the coming destruction of the Rebellion he once called his friends.

What is Cyber Sonic’s plan? Where will the Mecha Sonic Army go? Find out in the next episode of The Chaos Project, coming soon!

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